Falls Church Drug Rehab Center

Personalized Drug and Alcohol Rehab Near Falls Church, Virginia, from Great Falls Wellness

Great Falls Wellness is proud to service Falls Church, VA, and surrounding areas. Our Virginia-based drug and alcohol rehab center near Falls Church takes a boutique approach to addiction treatment. We offer 100% outpatient addiction treatment, which allows clients to live at home while getting treatment for substance abuse and dual-diagnosis disorders. So, what should you know?

Falls Church is about thirteen miles away from Great Falls. To get here by car, take VA 267 W for the fastest route. Please call Great Falls Wellness for directions to our treatment center. We’re here to help!

The Need for Substance Abuse Treatment in Falls Church, VA

Substance abuse is a serious problem throughout Virginia and in the United States as a whole. Statistics on substance use in Virginia from the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) website show that, in 2022, there were:

  • 2,490 deaths caused by drug overdose among Virginians, 79% of which involved fentanyl, fentanyl analogs, and tramadol.
  • 22,398 emergency department visits due to drug overdose among Virginians, a 5% increase from 2021. 
  • 412 infants in Virginia younger than a year old were hospitalized with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome.
  • 5,331 newly identified cases of Hepatitis C among Virginians. 
  • 792 new HIV diagnoses among Virginians. 

Getting treatment can help you or your loved one looking for drug rehab in Falls Church, VA, avoid new or worsening consequences of addiction. Our programs teach residents of Falls Church and surrounding areas sustainable recovery skills that promote long-term recovery.

How Our Programs Help Residents of Falls Church Overcome Addiction

The outpatient model of care we use allows clients to apply those skills to their daily lives with support from staff members and other people in our programs. In addition to our proximity to Falls Church, here are some of the things that make Great Falls Wellness an ideal solution for those in Falls Church, VA, and surrounding areas.

Evidence-based & holistic therapies

Great Falls Wellness has a diverse team of mental health professionals specializing in different treatment methods. Substance abuse has the potential to impact every aspect of your life and well-being, including your emotional, psychological, social, and physical health. We offer both evidence-based programs and supportive holistic treatments to promote whole-person healing. Treatment methods used at our facility include but aren’t limited to the following:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Trauma-Informed yoga therapy
  • Motivational interviewing (MI)
  • Equine therapy
  • Sober coaching
  • Family therapy 
  • Art therapy
  • Meditation 

We also offer case management and other services. You or your loved one attending Great Falls Wellness will get a custom treatment plan and therapy schedule. Our providers are trauma-informed and equipped to support clients with co-occurring mental health concerns that impact or may impact their experiences with addiction.

Health insurance coverage

Great Falls Wellness accepts most forms of health insurance. To confirm whether Great Falls Wellness takes your plan, fill out our online insurance verification form or call our admissions line and let one of our team members help. The insurance process is free and takes a few minutes or less.

Assessments and evaluations

Great Falls Wellness offers assessments and evaluations, both of which are entirely confidential. Assessments and evaluations at our facility will help your treatment team get to know you and your needs better so that we can provide the most effective care.

Who do we work with?

Great Falls Wellness treats all types of substance abuse. As a fully outpatient clinic, our services are suitable for those who do not need the level of supervision provided in an inpatient program at this time. Some of our clients attend inpatient rehab prior to getting therapy at our facility, but others start their treatment journey at Great Falls Wellness. If you aren’t sure, our staff members can help determine whether outpatient care is the right choice for you.

Falls Church Addiction Treatment FAQs

Yes. Online and in-person Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings are available to Falls Church residents. You can find regular in-person AA meetings in Falls Church, VA, at the following location.

Unity Club

116 W Broad Street

Falls Church, VA 22046

To find more virtual and in-person AA meetings available to Falls Church residents, visit the official AA website ( and click “Find AA Near You.”

Narcotics Anonymous (NA) offers in-person and virtual meetings for residents of Falls Church and surrounding areas. Like AA, NA meetings are held regularly at Unity Club in Falls Church, VA. You can find more NA meetings open to residents of Falls Church online by using the meeting search tool on the official NA website ( 

Meeting locations are subject to change. Please call to confirm AA and NA meeting times and availability.

Call Great Falls Wellness for Substance Use Disorder Treatment Convenient to Falls Church, VA

Our top-rated drug and alcohol rehab center is convenient to Falls Church, VA. Whether you have questions about our programs or are ready to start the intake process, contact Great Falls Wellness today. To get in touch with our team, call Great Falls Wellness or contact us online. Our opening hours are 9 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday.